Ravens relax in the coffee house

by Vanessa Alan
edited by CeLynn Siemons

PAC’s annual Coffee House event on February 8th in Spagnuolo Hall featured Angie Keilhauer, recording artist and singer from season 10 of the Voice.

The first year that Coffee House was held, only 20 students attended. However, this year, roughly 80 students went.

Keilhauer was extremely interactive with the crowd. She brought many students on stage with her to sing, like PAC vice president Kaitlyn Puzzo, who sang a rendition of “I will always love you.”

(Photo: Emily McGrath)

Along with the music, PAC also offered free mugs to the first 50 students to attend, a raffle ticket for every attendee for the chance to win a Keurig, and many snacks that were catered by Sodexo.

“I think the majority of the students that went were surprised at the sheer talent the artist had and reacted very positively to the atmosphere the club created by decorating and providing all those goodies,” said Bailey Clapp, PAC’s marketing coordinator, in an email interview.

PAC has been hosting the Coffee House event for three years to create a warm and relaxing atmosphere for students to come and enjoy live music.

“It is inspired by something you would see at a cozy café or lounge in a more urban area that we want students on campus to experience,” said Haley Weeks, PAC’s secretary, in an email interview. “We hope to feature more well-known artists in the future to help grow the event even bigger.”





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For this article, I emailed both Bailey Clapp and Haley Weeks a series of questions for this article. Both of them are on the executive board for the Pierce Activity Council and very knowledgable about all campus events. I emailed both of them due to the long president’s weekend and scheduling a time to have an in person interview was too difficult. Since I did not attend this event, having both e-board members who both attended the event and were heavily involved in the structure of it all was very helpful with understanding what the event was, the turnout of it, and how they plan on growing it in the future. 


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