Calling all ES majors, course registration!

by Patrick Cronin
edited by Jalen Beliveau

Fifteen students attended an “advising and action meeting, Monday in Marulli Lounge, hosted by Catherine Koning and Fred Rogers, Natural Science professors. 

Students received course advising guides. Koning and Rogers explained each course from their perspective. Class pace, outcomes, and learning style were all discussed.

Students also got to participate by describing their own experiences in various science classes. Although there were only a few upperclassman, at least one person in the room had taken at least one of the courses. 

“Ecology is a great class to figure out if you prefer to work inside or outdoors,” said junior Maria Depierro. Projects and class sessions were covered along the way as well. 

When asked if there has been a rise in ES related majors over the years at FPU Rogers said, “There has been a pretty good number for a while, gaining one or two each year, it’s definitely a steady flow of incoming ES majors.”

Explaining each course took the vast majority of the time, but a representative of  the EcoClub talked briefly about what they did and invited everyone to a session later that night where the group planned to make miniature terrariums.



How I got this story: I attended the meeting and interviewed Professor Rogers and Maria Depierro.

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