Rock climbing is losing popularity

by Tyler Peterson

Since 2001 Adventure Recreation has held rock climbing events off campus, but as of late the event has been losing popularity. The Rock Climbing event which is going to take place at at Central Rock Gym in Worcester, will take place on the same day as a power run on November 10th.

(Photo: Tyler Peterson)

The program offers off-campus trips, and rock-climbing trips were considered to be the staple of those trips. This year the trip is still being offered regardless of the Mud run being changed to the same day.

Doug Carty, director of Adventure Recreation, said, “I personally have a philosophy that there are over 1,200 students here and if 50 of them participate in an obstacle course run that still leaves 1,150 students, plus to participate in rock climbing. I’ve never had a concern with programming on top of different events because it’s okay to give students a choice of what they want to involve themselves in.”

Adventure Rec has about $3,000 worth of rock-climbing equipment for students to use at no additional cost during the event. With rock climbing not getting many students, Carty said, “It’s not a good use of the students’ resources if we’re not going to do anything with it.” Yet rock climbing is still offered every year to give students a chance to use the gear.

As a result of the decline in popularity, Adventure Rec has created new programs like the Power Run. Some of the new events are on-campus rather than off-campus so participants are not spending two hours on the bus to go somewhere, do it, then two hours back.

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