Newsbrief: Medical supplies in need after cases reach new heights.
by Ishmael Johnson
The city of New York has one week of supplies left for any New Yorker sick, according to the New York Times.
The number of cases is up to 33,700 which is more than half the cases in the United states. 8,500 of those people are currently hospitalized but grew about 2 percent from Saturday to Sunday. New York has been the hardest hit out of all the 50 states.
“We have enough supplies to get to a week from today, except for ventilators, we’re going to need at least several hundred more ventilators very quickly,” Mr. de Blasio said in an appearance Sunday morning on CNN.
During the time Mayor de Blasio was given the interview, supplies were on the way to Kennedy International Airport. This arrangement was done by President Trump’s son in law and also adviser Jarred Kushner. The need of supplies has been emphasized through many states.
Governors fear hospitals are going to be overcrowded with sick patients and not enough medical need to attend them. Hospital employees being overwhelmed with the number of cases that are coming in and them not being able to go home to their family. “Our front-line health care workers,” Mr. de Blasio said, “are giving their all, they’re in harm’s way. And, you know, we need to get them relief. We need to get the support and protection, but also a relief. They can’t keep up at this pace.”
On Sunday morning a flight arrived from Shanghai carrying medical supplies, 130,000 masks, 1.8 million surgical mask and gown and tens and thousands of gloves. This is the first of many flights bringing supplies to the United states during this pandemic, 20 more flights are scheduled to come.