Struggling to survive

Photo: Google images

By Angelina Vaccari

John Vaccari’s keys jingle as he unlocks the flimsy glass door; the ‘New England Pizza Dough’ sign shines in the early morning darkness. He moves swiftly to the desk where there is a board pinned with pieces of paper that list the orders of restaurants. The familiar buzz of the mixing machines combining flour and yeast radiated throughout the warehouse.

This routine began as a part of the family business when he was in junior high, and it was all he had known 40 years later.

As the sun begins to fade he commutes home on the eerily abandoned streets in his worn Chevy Tahoe anticipating further catastrophic news regarding the coronavirus pandemic.

The truck screeches into the icy driveway as John yanks the keys out of the ignition. His head is engulfed with questions of how he will survive and provide for his family as he enters the house. He scrambles for the remote tossing the blankets and pillows as the stress becomes too much to bear.

His chest tightens as he hears the governor of Massachusetts make the announcement that all restaurants and bars were to indefinitely shut down dine in service.

“When you hear that as a business owner in this industry, it’s overwhelming stress, anxiety and depression.” he said.

He runs his fingers through his salt and pepper hair hopelessly staring at the bulletin board with a few small orders. He was left with no option, he contacted the employees, who felt more like family after spending decades of their life dedicated to the business. His face expressed sorrow and regret as he stated that their hours would be drastically cut.

John’s ‘new normal’ was desperately trying to save a family business that could only afford to remain open three days a week.

“Imagine if everything you know and love is dying and you can’t resuscitate it.” John said.


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