Colorful frisbees soon to be flying around campus
by Samantha DeSouza
edited by Tyler Comeau
Spin art with frisbees was brought to campus by Student Involvement, allowing students to create their own unique and colorful frisbees on Friday, March 8th, from 5-7 p.m. in the Glass Foyer.
Participating members could choose any of the given paint colors, apply the paint on the frisbee, watch their frisbee spin, and then see the resulting design.
Freshman Julia Groll said, “It was fun being able to decorate my own frisbee, I had never seen it done that way before.”
When applying the colors on the frisbee, there was no guarantee of what the final product would look like. Each one came out with a different pattern and color mixture.
Once the frisbee was done spinning it took roughly 10 minutes for the paint to dry, giving students time to get a bite to eat in the cafeteria.
Junior Jennifer Iozzi said, “I enjoyed this activity because it was quick and I also left with something I will be able to use for a long time.” When Student Involvement posted about the event on Raven Nation they stated that they would love to see the frisbees flying around campus in the spring.
This upcoming Friday, March 15th, there will be no Frankie P. Friday event because of Spring Break. When students return to campus the next Frankie P. Friday event will be held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Glass Foyer to make a free t-shirt.
Fun article! It’s always nice to read about non-traditional events taking place on campus. Great to also hear about events that are available to anyone, regardless of age, athletic/artistic ability, etc. A nice venue for students to come together and make new friends!